Thursday, February 5, 2009

Flu is Here!!!

One more day before the weekend! Jeese I can't wait!! This week has been a doosey! Another busy day at work! And we're already booked for tomorrow!! We are seeing more and more flu!! It's here boys and girls!! Told ya! Hopefully it won't last long... Hannah and Hayleigh had good days today! Tomorrow is Pajama Day at TLC for Hayleigh, so I don't even have to dress her in the morning!!! yeah!! Me and Shanna went to Wiggles and Giggles at lunch and bought more shoes for our kiddos..That was fun.. I call it Shop Therapy when we've had a stressful day at work. Well, I'm sitting here listening to the girls fight over Elmo!! They are screaming and carrying on..... So, I guess I'll go break it up..... Goodnight..