Sunday, March 22, 2009

Funday Sunday!

Today has been a great day at the Work House.. We've been minus one today, because Hannah is at MiMi and PaPaw's and will be there until tomorrow... Daddy went to church this morning and me and Hayleigh stayed home.. When Dave got home, we made chili and had lunch together. Then it was nap time and after that we went riding around to entertain Hayleigh. We went and got drinks at Sonic and drove around for awhile.. We would have stopped by Shanna and Dale's house, but they are NEVER home!!!! Thanks Shanna!!! Anyways, we got home and had chili again for supper and now we are watching Planet Earth on T.V. Well, gotta go, Hannah's on the phone and I'm not gonna miss talking to my baby!!!! Goodnight!