Friday, August 7, 2009

Thank Goodness We've Made It To Friday...

I'd be lying if I told you this week has been a great one... It was supposed to be.... We started out the week sooo excited that our nephews had finally arrived... Then we found out all of the horrible news about Eli and even Walker not being just 100%. I don't understand why Jodie and Jesse have to go through this... On one hand we want to be excited about the birth and well being of Walker, and then on the other hand we have to grieve over our beautiful baby Eli not being healthy enough to live.... Not a great place to be in.... My prayers are with my sister and her husband tonight as they are with both of their babies at UAMS... They got to put the twins together and be together as a family today... What a wonderful thing that is..... Eli was taken off of the vent around 8pm last night but has managed to breath on his own all day today... I don't have any updates because we wanted to let Jesse and Jodie have some rest today that is much needed but I'm sure I'll talk with her tomorrow and go and see them I hope.... I hope everyone has a blessed weekend..... Goodnight for now.....
News from our house today wasn't to interesting.... Hannah got to have a water slide carnival today and she soooo much fun... Hayleigh has been battling a cold for most of the week... She doesn't act like she feels bad, though.... Work was busy again today... I guess we're picking up.... David picked the girls up from daycare and came home.... We had sandwiches for supper and then Dave and Hannah went to softball practice.. Me and Hayleigh are hanging out... She's in her room watching Dora the Explorer..... Just waiting on the crew to get back.... Nothing special going on around here.... Hopefully bed isn't too far away....