Monday, June 15, 2009

Dirt Diamonds End Of Year Party

Today was a hot one!! Man... I was off today and didn't do to much... Hannah had swimming at daycare today... They went to Mills Park... I didn't like the idea of that, but I let her go anyways.. But momma wasn't to far away.. I sat out in my car the whole time they swam, so I could make sure that she was doing right.... I left a little before they were done and went on to Target to get me a new book.... When I finished there I went and picked the girls up at daycare... Hannah brought a friend home to do some more swimming before the banquet....Needless to say, I know one tired little girl right now.... We got dressed and went to Larry's Pizza for the Dirt Diamonds End of Year Party... The girls played games and ate pizza and cupcakes.... Then Dave passed out trophies to everyone... They got bobble head trophies... Soooo cute.... And also certificates with their names on it.... We just got home not to long ago and have had our baths... I'm the only one still up right now... HaHa..... That isn't going to last long.... Here's some pics of tonight's party..Enjoy.....