Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Just Another Day....

Today was my day off..... The girls of course wanted to go to school, because mommy is way more boring obviously... Haha.... I spent the day at home doing some much needed chores... Laundry for the most part.... It was to hot to get out, so I stayed in all day.... That saves Dave money...... Then I'm not tempted to spend anything if I stay put..... Hannah got to play on the big blow up water slide at school all DAY long.... I'm surprised she didn't get sun burned.... Hayleigh got to take her 4-wheeler to school with her and they had Ride Day.... She had a blast!!! Dave picked the girls up and brought them on home.... We fixed supper (Tatar tot casserole) a favorite of the girls..... And then daddy had to go meet with some folks about softball.... We have created a monster!!! The girls were wore out from today, and it didn't take long for them to go down for the night..... I'm not long behind them........


dswright said...

You should have gone with us! I promise to not eat much of the fudge at all. I am doing well on my weight loss and intend to keep it that way. I still do the Wii fit every morning even though some mornings are easier than others!