Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me!!!

Yes folks.... Today was my 31st birthday.... Can't say that I'm excited about it,but what can a girl do? I had to work today and that was a bummer..... But it was soooo cool!!! We woke up this morning and to our dismay and wonderment (drum roll please......) SNOW!!!!! Now, not enough to go crazy about,but this IS Arkansas people!!! WE do get excited about it!!! hahaha.... What a great birthday present!! Anyways, when I got off work Dave and the girls took me out to eat at The Cracker Barrel and then back home to have some birthday cake!! Yum... Yum.... They also got me a candle (Yankee)...... I'm so blessed to have friends and family that love and care about me enough to take the time out of their day to wish me a Happy B-Day, whether it be from a phone call, a card, a hug, or a facebook message!!!! I love everyone and thank you for thinking about me!!!! Goodnight..... Oh, and later this week, hopefully we will have enough snow on the ground come Thursday that we can build us a snow man and take some pics!!! Excitement!!! It doesn't take much!!!


Jodie said...

Did you like my rendition of Happy Birthday Song via facebook? It was lovely wasn't it? You can pretend it was sang in any voice you wanted: chipmunk, hulk, dog barks, etc.! The gift that keeps on giving! Need to get together this week/weekend for your bday dinner!