Sunday, November 15, 2009

And Deer Season Is Off To A Start!!!

This weekend has been a great one.... Dave went to Deer Camp on Friday and didn't come home until around noon today... He got a deer!!! He really can feed this family!!! hahaha....Mom came in on Friday and we spent the afternoon just us girls..... I got off work a little early on Friday and met mom at home. She had already picked up Hayleigh from daycare and we were just waiting on Hannah to get home from school... We killed a little time and went to Target and Kirkland's just looking around..... We went to pick up Hannah and then went home and had supper (Sonic) with Mr. Bob... We rented a movie (Medea goes to jail)... It was hilarious!! Then off to bed... Got up early Saturday and got ready for Holiday House in Little Rock.... Mr. Bob came over and went with us.... It was crowed, but soooo much fun.... When we got finished we came home and spent the rest of the day just hanging out and playing with the girls..... This morning we were up early again (Thanks to Hayleigh Work) who doesn't believe in sleeping in on the weekends.... Mom and Mr. Bob went to church and me and the girls waited on Daddy to get home... When he got home, he got unloaded and then everyone went down for a much needed nap..... Supper was cereal and bedtime will come early tonight!!!