Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Holidays!!!

We have had a great few days spent together as a family. Dave had the whole week of thanksgiving off and spent some of it hunting. Mom came up and stayed with us all week and on Thursday we all went to Pine Bluff for Thanksgiving dinner... Mimi, Papaw,Uncle Mike, Aunt Bridgette, Baby Jake, NeNaw, Nana Dianna and Mr. Bob, Nana Carolyn, Aunt Betty, and Robin were all there.... We had a great time spent visiting with family and playing with baby Jake. The girls were sooo tired when we got back home! I had to work on Friday, and Dave stayed home with the girls.... The weekend was spent getting new floors installed in the house!!!! Yeah!!! Thanks to Dale and Shanna we got new laminate floors... It looks sooo great and it was much needed.... I'm off tomorrow (surprise to me) and I'll spend it cleaning some more around the house.. The girls will go to school and daycare to get back in routine..... Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving Holiday~~~ We sure did.....