Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Parent Teacher Conference Tonight

Today has been a busy day.. I went in to work expecting to be with Nancy as usual.. She had strep and was sent home, so I had to stay and do phone calls and research... Oh, well.... It really wasn't bad.... Got home a little early and we went to Hannah's Parent Teacher Conference.. She is doing really well in school. We are really proud of her.. She is excelling in reading and writing. Doing really well in math too... Just need to learn how to keep our mouth shut a little better! I guess that is her daddy coming out in her.... hahaha..... Anyways, when we were done we went to eat at Mcallister's... I had my favorite! Tortillia soup in a bread bowel... Yum... yum.... We are now at home watching Dirty Jobs and enjoying the rest of our night!! Almost bed time.....