Friday, October 23, 2009


Thank goodness it's Friday!! Today was busy and I'm glad it's over! Work, Work, Work..... Man.... Anyways, not much to report on... When I got off, I picked the girls up and Dave met me at the daycare. He and Hayleigh went to pick up supper (Little Cesar's) while me and Hannah went on home.... Then there has been this terrible stench in this house for the last few days and we haven't been able to find it... Well today was a bingo!! It was coming from Hannah's room.. Thanks to Hayleigh Grace and her food hiding abilities!!! She must have spilled a milk cup somewhere in the carpet! It was HORRIBLE!! So that is what we have spent most of our night doing...Cleaning the girls room and vacuuming and putting smell good stuff everywhere... Not exactly relaxing, but oh well.... What did I expect.... I have to work tomorrow, so off to bed early again for me.. and I'm welcoming it!!!! Goodnight from the Work Family....