Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Weekend Is Over Already? What?

The weekends never last long enough.... But the weeks sure do! I've been down with the flu since Wednesday afternoon... Not a fun thing... I spent the day in bed Thursday and Friday... Everytime I moved I would sweat and just get sooo tired..... I ran fever some but all in all I made it through.... I hope the we are done with this in our house... Hope Dave and Hannah stay clear of it.... Anyways, Saturday was spent at the ball park. Hannah had a double header to play.. We won our first game and lost the second one.. Hannah did sooo good.. She hit the ball each time she was up to bat... Her fielding could use some work... but she's still got a lot to learn... We then went to TaMolly's for supper and then home for baths and we were all in bed my 8pm that night. Wore slap out~ This morning we were up and ready for church... After that, we went to McDonald's for lunch and then home for chores and much needed naps... We went to Wal-Mart to get stuff for supper and some jeans for the girls and then came home and cooked supper together... We had Taco soup and it was awesome!! I can tell you we will eat that for supper tomorrow too!!! Well that's it from the Work House for now! I'll do better about writing and putting more pics up of the girls!!! Been busy and sick...... Don't want anymore of that!