Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sick, Sick, Sick

I didn't write yesterday because I think I'm dying!! I've been throwing up since yesterday morning and I just can't stop.... I don't know how I made it through the day at work... I came home and took a shower and went straight to bed.. No joke!! 5:30 I was in bed!!! This morning isn't much better. I haven't thrown up in awhile though, so that's good. Even though I'm doing better, my youngest Hayleigh has a double ear infection. She stayed home with her dad yesterday and since she is still running fever this morning she'll be staying home with me today! I guess work wasn't in the cards today!! I hate missing work! Hate it!! Oh well.... Hopefully we'll both be better tomorrow.. I'm off tomorrow anyways so plenty of recovery time.... Well, I hope everyone has electricity this morning and be careful driving on the ice this morning.........