Sunday, February 8, 2009

Another Beautiful Day!!!

Today has been another great day! Church this morning....We had tuna fish sandwiches for lunch...I turned my back for one minute and Taylor (our cat) was on the counter eating the rest of the tuna!!!! Good thing we had already ate what we wanted of it!!! Bad Cat!!! Anyways the girls had nap time and they've been outside in the backyard ever since they got up..... Dave finished raking the backyard... What's left of the leaves are in little piles now... We're gonna have fish sticks and veggies for supper tonight.. Fish theme today?? Dave and I are sitting here watching the Pro Bowl right now.. The girls are in their room playing and watching T.V. They are being good for right now. We'll see how long that lasts...Well, tomorrow is another Monday!! Gee, I can't hardly wait.... Hope this week is better than last........ Hope, Hope, Hope!!!!!