Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day! We've had a great one! As you see from our last post, we went to Hayden's birthday party around noon. Came home for Hayleigh's nap time. After the girls got up, I started getting Hannah ready for her Father/Daughter Valentine's Ball. She looked so pretty and Dave looked handsome in his suit. He just called me from the parking lot of the school and asked me if we had the wrong night! Because he was the only car in the lot at school! Turns out the ball doesn't start until 6pm!!!! So, they are going to kill some time and try it again in an hour!! How funny!! Me and Hayleigh are hanging out together tonight watching SpongeBob Squarepants... Hope everyone has had a great day like we have! Here's some pics of Hannah and Daddy all dressed up before the Ball tonight... Enjoy!


dswright said...

They look so cute together! I'll bet they had so much fun! I wish Dale and Caitlyn could do that sometime!

The Turbyfill Family said...

How precious do they look! The fact that they showed up 1 hour early is too funny!Hope they had a good time!