Monday, February 2, 2009

Ground Hog Day

Today was groundhog day... He apparently saw his shadow this morning...6 more weeks of Winter... Too bad... I was really hoping for some Spring... Winter is killing us at the clinic... Matter of fact, I'm sitting here hoping that I actually get to have my day off tomorrow... I really don't want to go in.... I always worry about getting called in though....... Today wasn't too bad..Just another Monday! Hannah went to the dermatologist this morning and got her warts burned off. She did real well, but he wants to see her back for a check up in three weeks just to be sure he got it all... They're all blistered up right now but she says they don't hurt... Hayleigh has had a good day at NaNa's today. She'll be home tomorrow and I can't wait....... I miss her sooo much... Anyways, I hope tomorrow is good....