Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Boy What A Day!!!!

Went back to work today!!! Boy, I wish I hadn't!! Flu and Strep everywhere!!! I stayed in the lab most of the afternoon.... Wasn't to bad a day, just real busy.... Bought the girls Space Buddies and Oliver and Company today to add to their DVD collection, so they're in their room watching movies as we speak...After work we went to Target so Dave could pay off our Target card and then went over to Chili's and had supper. Now we're sitting here watching the Razorbacks play basketball.. Right now they are winning against Tennessee, but who knows what the outcome of the game will be... Go Hogs!! Oh, yeah and Dave signed Hannah up for Spring Softball!! I hope she does well!! We also got good news tonight!! Uncle Michael and Aunt Bridgette are going to be parents in April!! They are adopting a little boy!! Me and Dave are going to have to really brush up on our Aunt and Uncle skills!!! HaHa!! We'll be praying for you guys and we're so happy and excited for ya'll!!! Love Ya'll! Goodnight....


dswright said...

We can run our own library together