Sunday, February 22, 2009

CrossTrainers Awards Assembly

We've had a great day around the Work house today! We got up this morning and had cinnamon rolls for breakfast. We got dressed for church and went. Preacher taught on Forgiveness. After church we got lunch at Burger King and came home to eat. Had naps and then Hannah and Dave had softball practice this afternoon. Mom came in today and me, her and Hayleigh met Dave and Hannah up at the church for Hannah's Crosstrainer's Award Assembly! She was so happy to get her trophy with her name on it! We are all so proud of her!!! When we got done with that we went over to Target to get a few things and then on to Mcallister's to have supper! Now we are sitting in the living watching NASCAR... Well, Daddy is watching NASCAR!!! HaHa!! Tomorrow we are off to work and school again!!! Hannah has her follow up visit with the dermatologist at 3:30pm about her warts! They are looking real good, but there are a few he missed last time... Well, until tomorrow!!


dswright said...

Tell her that we are proud of her too! I have noticed that yall eat out a lot! Just thought you might want to know!!! LOVE YA!!!!