Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Today started out fine... Dave took the girls to daycare and I went in to work. Later in the morning I started feeling a burning in my stomach, headache, achy muscles, and some nausea... I just didn't feel right.... Needless to say, I still feel pretty bad. I picked the girls up when I got off work, and I have been on the couch since.... I'm a little mad at Dave right now, because he had some softball meeting tonight and told me he wouldn't be long... But we all know when talking is involved it ALWAYS is longer than he says... I just wanted to come home and go to bed, and I couldn't...... So, I'm STILL up, and waiting for my time to go to bed..... Hannah went to the movies today and saw Barnyard.... Hayleigh gets to bring her sleeping bag and a flash light tomorrow to daycare.. They are camping out! She's excited... Okay, I'm done in, Going to Bed!! Goodnight.... Hope I feel better tomorrow.....