Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Another Night At The Ball Park

Well, today was a good day all in all... Mom stayed another day so she could take Hannah to her Derm appt. Hannah did real well, but they had to burn quite a few more warts off of her hands. She fainted in the Dr's office and gave her Nana a scare! She's all right, but she went on home instead of going to school because it kinda wore her out.... She was feeling better towards the end of the day... Hayleigh had a great day at TLC.... She has been her usual spunky self.... When I got home from work, I met Dave at home and we got Hannah dressed for her softball game tonight.. I was going to keep her home, but she begged and cried so we gave in and told her if her hands started hurting during the game that she would have to sit out.. She was a trooper!! She played the whole game and never complained one time.. We had to drive to Salem tonight to play at their ball field..Not as nice as ours, but it had to do... We played the Dirt Devils.. We lost our game 7-10.. So we can't complain... They really played good tonight, but the other team were better hitters..... Hannah got a double her first time up to bat and struck out her second time up.. I was so proud of her! I can't say that enough.... We don't even have to think softball atleast until Saturday when we have practice.. I can't wait to come home tomorrow after work and do NOTHING!!!! My mom is going home in the morning and I know the girls will hate that!!! Goodnight all!! I'll get some pics of Hannah's next game up...I've been lazy with the camera!!