Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dinner With Friends

Well we ended the day great today!! Everyone had good days at work and school.. When I got off work I went and picked the girls up and met Shanna back at the clinic and she rode with us to eat at The Ole Feed House.... David had to help the guys cutting our tree down, so he met us a little later to eat... It was sooo good.. The food was great and the kids were really good too.... We had fun eating and visiting with Shanna and Dale and the kids... When we got home I was just stepping through the door and David turned the garage door to go down and we heard a loud POP!!! Scared us too death!!!! The wire on the door snapped clean into!! So now the garage door is broken... Guess we will fix that tomorrow... Hope it doesn't cost too much!!!!! We are now sitting here watching Monster Quest (it's about sharks) I'm waiting to see who gets kicked off American Idol... Guess I'll have to wait.... The sharks are way more important according to Dave!! I'm supposed to be off tomorrow and boy do I sure hope I am... I could use a day to myself... Maybe I can get some stuff done around the house without anyone in my way!! That would be awesome......