Monday, March 23, 2009

Windy Day

Today the wind has blown and blown.. Kinda nice when it's not cold air! Haha... Hayleigh went to TLC today and had a good one... Hannah was supposed to come home tonight, but she's having such a good time at MiMi and PaPaw's that she is staying one more night. Seems she's met a buddy there and she's gonna have a sleep over tonight... I miss her!! Oh well, what's one more night... As long as she's having fun... They will bring her home in the morning and she'll go to TLC... They are going roller skating so she won't want to miss that!! I have to work again tomorrow!! Yuck! David has class in Little Rock in the morning... Mom will be coming up tomorrow afternoon and she will take the girls back with her on Wednesday so they can spend some time with her and NaNa and PaPaw..... I'm going to be glad when this week is over! I hate it when my girls are gone!!! Well, I bought BOLT today and Hayleigh wanted to watch it right away so that's what we've been doing tonight.. I didn't sleep well last night so I'm ready for bed already!!! Hope everyone has another great day!!!