Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Terrific Tuesday...

Today has been another good one... Nothing much to report... We are pretty boring when we want to be... I picked the girls up from daycare and met Dave at home... We decided that we wanted TaMolly's for supper, so we ordered it to go... After supper the girls had Popsicles with Daddy and watched some T.V. Then we decided to go get out in the pool for a little while.. Hannah is swimming under the water all by herself... She really is putting all of this swimming stuff together and will soon be a great swimmer... Hayleigh learned how to jump off the steps into her daddy's arms and she was going under water... She kept saying "Oh, I'm okay!" She was so funny... We are now getting baths and it will soon be bed time... Oh, and Hannah went to the movies today and saw Horton Hears A Who.....