Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I'm sooo tired today.... I could have stayed in bed this morning and wish I did.... I took the girls to daycare this morning and then off to work... Work was slow and made the day drag.... I went to lunch with Shanna and Dale at Larry's Pizza... When I got off work I picked the girls up and met Dave at home... Then we went to meet Uncle Jesse and Aunt JoJo at Cracker Barrel for supper... We had the breakfast menu and it was sooo good.... The girls started acting up as we were leaving because they were tired and wanted toys.. Not a good combo.... We had to drag them out of there kicking and screaming..... When we got home, Dave had a softball meeting and we're just waiting on him to get home so we can start winding down for the day.... Tomorrow is my Friday and I'm sooo glad about that.. Mom and Nana are supposed to come down and see us and the girls.... That will be fun.... Hannah got to play on a huge water slide at daycare today... She had soooo much fun... She told me she was scared at first but then after the first time she LOVED it.... Oh, and Hayleigh had another dry day at school... We came home in the same close we went to school in.... I'm soo proud of her....