Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Our Bad Cat....

I forgot to tell you guys about what happened about 4am this morning... I awoke to something crashing and breaking in the kitchen... Now, that's a scary noise to wake up too... A million things were going through my mind at the time... Burglers for the most part.... By the time I worked up enough nerve to get up and turn the lights on in the hall, Dave was already up and standing half asleep in the kitchen.... My cake plate that I got as a wedding gift ( which has made it through 2 toddlers, might I add) was broken into a million pieces all over the floor... My bad cat was on the other side of the table hunched down giving me a guilty look.... Hmmm.... Now who could have done this? Considering the plate was on top of the bakers rack???? Only one animal came to mind.... I could have beat him, but instead I busied myself cleaning up the mess and sending the BEAR back to bed..... ( That would be Dave)..... I gave the cat a good tongue lashing and went back to bed.... This morning I gave him another one, because I stepped on a piece of glass that I missed and cut my foot!!!! That Darn Cat!!!!!


dswright said...

It's Haydens fault really! If he were not beating on it Saturday, you would not have had it on top of the bakers rack. I am sorry. I would say that we would buy you another one, but it looked expensive! Will you settle for a good plastic cake server?