Thursday, June 4, 2009

First Day Of Cheer Camp

Today has been a long one... Woke up to rain this morning, but it cleared out later on in the day.. Dave took Hannah to her first day of cheer camp... She'll go tomorrow too... She loves it.... She said she learned alot today.... Hayleigh was good at daycare also... When Hannah got done with camp Dave picked her up and took her on to daycare... They went skating for their field trip... I picked the girls up when I got off work and came on home with them. Dave went on to Wal-Mart to grocery shop... We are trying to eat healthier so our list has changed....The girls are watching T.V right now and we're waiting on Dave to get home.... I'm super tired again, and can't wait for bed time... I can't wait for the weekend..... One more day.....