Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Difficult Day....

Today started off great... Work was busy... Went to Target with Shanna at lunch to look around... The girls had a good day at daycare... Hannah was supposed to have water slide carnival but the rain prevented that, so they watched a movie instead.... Mom picked the girls up and me and Dave had plans to go visit my sister and my nephews but got really bad news about Eli... They found out today that Eli's brain didn't fully develop and he will not have any quality of life..So, they have decided to take him off of life support and donate his organs to ARORA... What a horrible thing for Jodie and Jesse to have to go through.... He will truly be missed by his family and we will think about him always.... Walker scared us too last night... He had an air sac burst in in lung and had to have a chest tube placed.. But I believe he is doing better today with that... So please keep my family in your prayers because Jesse and Jodie are really going to have a tough time ahead of them and will need it....Thank you all..... More updates later......