Friday, May 8, 2009

The Hurricane Creek Spring Carnival

Here are a few pics of the girls having fun at the carnival.. I wish I had room to put them all on but I don't!!

Today was a busy day! Work was good... The girls were good at school.... Mom came in today to spend the night and she'll go back tomorrow... We had Hannah's Spring Carnival tonight and that was lots of fun... We got on a school bus and they drove us over to the carnival at the school.. That was the most fun to Hayleigh who has never been on a school bus!! She was enchanted with it! We got to the school and got to play lots of cool games and the girls got their faces painted.. We also watched some karate.... We then got back on the school bus to take us back to our ride and met Uncle Chase at Mcallister's for a birthday supper for NaNa Dianna... Her birthday is tomorrow and we thought we'd celebrate it tonight since she's going home in the morning.... NaNa and Uncle Chase took Hayleigh back home and me, Dave and Hannah went on to Target to buy birthday party gifts for the 2 parties that we have tomorrow!!!! When we got home we had birthday cake!!!! We are now winding down for the night with quick showers, and getting ready for bed and another big day tomorrow!!!!