Sunday, May 31, 2009

Potty Training 101

Well, we've had another great day at home... We got up this morning and went to church.. It was a really good sermon... We also bought some cookies from the bake sale... Yum, Yum..... When we got home, we ate Sunday pot roast..... Then it was nap time.... When we got up we went and got in the swimming pool for a little while..... The water is just right now!! Lot's of fun.... Mom came in today and will spend a couple of nights with us... Tonight we are just hanging out and we will have pizza for supper..... Hannah is excited because she is starting the summer program at daycare... They are having a Ice Cream Party tomorrow!! She loves summers at daycare..... Anyways, I'm supposed to be off tomorrow and I'm sure I'll hang out in the pool some and catch up on some reading if that's possible.... Hayleigh has had 3 great days with her potty training... She has kept her panties dry with very little accidents!! Finally we are getting some where!! I know that I can thank Mrs. Angie at school for jump starting this!! I was having no luck! And the poo issue is still problem, but we will get that knocked out soon too... I just know it... Here's a cute pic of Hayleigh on the potty.. She's gonna kill me when she gets older, but oh well......